Monday, July 27, 2009


I'm watching my sister Lisa's (and here) 5 children while she and
husband, Chris, are having adventures here.

Baking Day

We made 8 loaves of banana bread, 3 dozen Snickerdoodles, pizzas for dinner, and a whole lot of fun!

Hugh entertained Porter by making weird noises.

Owen built a cabin with Lincoln Logs....

when he and Miles weren't on the DS (sorry, Lisa!)

Thanks to Gma Valentine for coming and helping with a walk

baths, and bedtime routines.

Overall no biggie, I should have 9 of my own (just kidding, Jonnie!)


Jonnie J said...

Not funny. Glad you survived day 1.

topher clark said...

FUNNY! I'm glad you survived the first day--you are a wonderful sister and great auntie! I bought you a cute shirt at H&M, so, keep it going! Oh, and this is Lisa, not Topher (I'm just signed on his page. . . )