Happy Thanksgiving!
We planned to host Jonathan's family, but due to inclement weather (and the fact we live on top of a mountain that gets hit hardest by said weather), the venue changed. However, in anticipation of having people here, I was motivated to get some some projects done.
All, of course, fabric related.
Project #1:
I backed bookshelves with unbleached muslin. It really lightened up a space that was very dark. I could have gone crazy with a pattern, but decided that I just needed lightness-and
muslin is cheap!


(The fabric is the same color as the wall, but trust me, there's fabric on the back of the bookshelves!)
Project #2:
I created art. I purchased two 22 X 28 canvases. I found an image I liked online,

enlarged it and modified it, traced it and cut it out,

used Wonder Under and ironed it and ended up with these:

(Notice the bike? That's a nod to Jonnie.)

Have a great Thanksgiving and eat a lot of these: